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Luz y Piedra        / May 2019


Design Studio

Luz y Piedra is where we can create without limits.

The process of creating shouldn't have conditions, since its the mere expression and extension of our ourselves.

We focus in the purity of materials, everything in our surroundings that can provide  knowledge. We are inspired by textures, colors, qualities, sensations...

We are designers that seek to discover the world, by understanding ancestral and contemporary materials, and fabrication techniques. We want to create new worlds and play with the possibilities of things, creation without scale. Our design manifesto is based on the idea that design should awake minds, with curiosity and astonishment towards the greatness of the tangible things of the world.


Pietro Estrada

Guatemalan architecture student and designer.

I’m interested in natural development and parametric logics of biological processes.

I believe that to create good design you must begin at the origin of every object or built space, materiality. From this starting point the project itself will develop, no matter the scale, function or formal attributes

Analuz Arévalo

Guatemalan Industrial Designer.

I am always curious for new materials, experiences and people that design can bring  to me.

Design is about connecting people with the right abilities with the right needs. Everyone can contribute to improve realities and worlds. In my experience I have worked with artisans, carpenters, architects, chefs, water and sustainable engineers... the thing we is the passion for creating.



Our most recent work is focused on the use of residual material, mostly plastic that we obtain from friends and past projects. This residual acrylic still has a lot of potential to complement our designs, we try to use as much as we can of the pieces we obtain.

One of the main objectives of this is to rethink the use of common materials and add an aesthetic look to objects. Function is also important, all our products are related to creation, notebooks, pencil cases and carry on bags. We want to awake curiosity and fun through daily objects.


For more info about our projects contact: www.luzypiedra.com

Instagram: @luzypiedra

Facebook: Luz y Piedra





Pipo Cord

Pipo Cord

